Monday, September 15, 2008

Drug Testing And Darvocet


the service sector, male teachers need to cover a service in a Center under the Ministry of Social Welfare in Oviedo.
Hours: Shifts in the morning, afternoon and evening to be distributed among the 5 members of the team. Tasks: Educator for a group of 5 teenagers
Salary: According to the sectoral collective agreement, ie, 1,024, 97 € gross per month for a full-time (38.5 hours / week) with two extra payments per month of holiday year assured in the General Security Social. INTERESTED

Monday, September 1, 2008

Motorola Star Choice Manual

The concert business

subsidized centers out cheaper governments to invest in schools public - education experts warn that social cohesion suffers where private network progresses Start
September and, with it, the school year. Children return to class and the numbers of students say again that immigration takes public school (last year was 67% of students and 82% of foreigners) while the private concert, which is paid with public money, accept less foreign kids who would fall. Will restart a fight that seems to have no end in an educational system, English, unusual in developed countries. Only Holland and Belgium, where the network is concerted majority religious education, and the United Kingdom, which has spent years experimenting all kinds of possibilities, they have less percentage of pupils in primary, middle and high school public school
" has no solution that battle? Is it possible the peaceful coexistence between the two networks? Who benefits from this model? The Religious charter schools (the majority) have an average profit of 76,000 euros per year and the laity, of 68,000. The economic situation, according to these 2005 figures from National Statistics Institute (INE), is not perceived as desperate as the employer pint of Catholic schools, FERE. Its president, Manuel de Castro, said they have "any school that is not deficient, and remember that both the government and communities have admitted their financial shortages and are reviewing the amount of subsidies. Also explains the difference with the INE statistics may be due to certain expenses of maintenance of the buildings are computed differently.
In any case, even with the INE data, is not the world's most profitable business. Not as much as it is, at least in the short term and in purely budgetary terms, to the autonomous communities, for whom these schools will cost significantly less than public, because they have to build and maintain these buildings and because teachers often charge less and work harder. This is a 25% to 50% less, as do the calculation or the CC OO FERE, ie between 1,400 and 3,000 million per year savings.
not for families, because in most of these centers provide some sort of contribution by different concepts (coupled with extracurricular activities, dining o refuerzo les reportan casi el 27% de sus ingresos a la concertada religiosa y el 32%, a la laica).
Pero contra la lectura obvia de la rentabilidad para las administraciones está la mirada a largo plazo, esa que puso de manifiesto un informe del Colectivo Lorenzo Luzuriaga y que habla de la cohesión social, cultural y territorial que sólo puede garantizar una escuela pública, plural y laica que no separe, como en el caso de la concertada católica, por convicciones religiosas o por cualesquiera otras.
Por el otro lado, en la parte del negocio para sus propietarios, hay que tener en cuenta ese 76% de la concertada. Esto es, la concertada católica, cuyas motivaciones van más allá del dinero. Sus objetivos se rise to religious proselytizing. "We have no intention of making money, but about bringing our work to society and the Church. Of course we have between our work of evangelization, but that's in our ideology and parents know when we choose. I know people who believes that the parishes that are already, but this clearly conflicts with what society demands, "said Manuel de Castro.
is look where you look, always comes through the confessional. Educational agreements were created in the mid-eighties, with the Organic Law of the Education Law which drafted the Socialist government to bring some order to the subsidies from the sixties had received numerous Catholic schools (always have been and remain the vast majority of private schools). The conservative Spain has always put forward the right of parents to choose education for their children, which includes the Constitution, in favor of Catholic school (on behalf of which Belgium and the Netherlands have the highest percentages of charter school OECD) . This argument can be seen on the banners that have shaken the Conservatives in the streets since the Second Republic (which sought to promote public schools and secular) to the last rallies against the current education law, to the protests of the eighties against LODE .
Then, it was understood that concerts attacked the Catholic schools because, instead of money, they should abide by a set of rules, for example, the academic freedom of teachers or the admission of students according to criteria that make administrations. "Adhere to the concert would open schools to all social classes, but risking exactly what you are looking at parents, the guarantee of a Christian education," said the pope's nuncio to the Catholic parents of students (CONCAPAN) in 1984. They
concerts were consolidated and the nuncio seemed to get away with: the schools did not give up the Christian ideology, which some experts is still the core of the conflict. "If we take the clerical component, the controversy is reduced to nothing," said Professor of Sociology of Education at the University Complutense Carabaña July. Also Professor of Sociology at the University of Salamanca Mariano Fernández Enguita: "Looking from a distance, is a controversial nineteenth century. The problem is not his private property, but her confessional."
In the past 20 years, on the grounds of freedom of choice (especially to choose Catholic education) or public school priority backbone, has agreed to a proliferation of conservative governments (PNV, CiU and PP), while it has remained the public under command of the progressives. Castilla-La Mancha is the community that has more pupils of compulsory education in the public (81%). "Our priority is public, but not limited to private initiative," said Deputy Minister of Education castellanomanchego, Pedro Pablo Novillo.
These are the classic political positions that have come to break, causing a stir, Madrid Socialists (PES). This summer, declined to address criticism and smooth the speech against the concert. This has caused the immediate rejection of much of their coreligionists and of such unions CCOO and UGT, leading two terms of policies to fight strongly against "privatization Esperanza Aguirre. "complain of" abandonment of public schools, an education spending has risen from 27.5% of GDP in 2003 to 25.4% in 2007. The Minister of Education in Madrid, Figar Lucia, refuses to be more supportive than the public concert, and has a new neighborhood that has come before a concerted center groups, as claimed by the unions CCOO and UGT. And enrollment figures in compulsory education (53.2% in public, 33.9% in the concerted and 12.9% in private) answered: "To me what worries me is the freedom of choice parents. What worries me is the percentage of families that are not going to school they have chosen. "
say nothing, as in the previous term of efficiency or economic savings resulting from the concerted Figar does support the option of private land councils give to private schools. This has come to extreme situations, such as transfer to private management and built a public school.
was precisely the situation that led Madrid to the Collective Lorenzo Luzuriaga to write and publish the document for discussion by the public school. The article argues that the basic rule of the concerts, they could increase their seats, but the new requirements would be met by public schools, "has been broken in Madrid and may follow suit other communities. His fear, and many other experts, is that public education is that becoming a subsidiary, serving the disadvantaged classes, a concert that would cater to middle and upper classes. His argument is that the concert not only separates students for the confessional, but by social class.
Despite being a public service and therefore free, the concert takes money for different concepts, voluntary contributions, through the partnership of parents, foundations ... Some contributions are not always voluntary and that, coupled with the religious character of most of these centers, become an impenetrable wall for the poorest families, whose children are be more difficult to serve students and their notes, which lowered the average in public schools. And today, poorer immigrants. There are always examples of concerted welcome students without problems more difficult in a very complicated, but generally, these guys studied mostly in public school.
But really, the dysfunction of immigrant students from public and private schools is a problem concentrated in certain areas, and that outside the cities there is little subsidized in rich neighborhoods of the cities the public has no great difficulties. Both communities such as Andalusia, with much public education, and Madrid, with much less, where there is concerted decompensation. In the city of Madrid, more than half the students go to the concert, but only makes a third of foreigners, and the public, which has 34.5% of students, attending 62% of immigrants. In Almeria, aided schools, one third of the total, only cater to 6% of foreigners, reports Maria José López Díaz.
Thus, the few schools that are dangerously close or exceed the ghetto line convey that image to the entire public education, improving the concerted step that is increasing its demand among the middle classes. Manuel de Castro defends. "There are a lot of demagoguery," he says, recalling that most kids who have failed in the attempt to get the basic degree of education and want to learn a trade in a school workshop, do it in Catholic schools. He admits that there may be a better distribution to students more difficult, "but also between public," and relies on the mechanisms of the new education law (LOE) to do so slowly: "We are ready," he said.
should not lose sight of other advantages objective study of the group said the Lorenzo Luzuriaga. The centers often offer subsidized in the same building all educational levels, with similar schedules and longer opening hours in the afternoon, by the morning or when required. Most have room service, extracurricular activities, things that are scarce in public.
And now, perhaps it is time to revisit two of the initial questions: Do not have a solution to the battle? Is it possible the peaceful coexistence between the two networks? The ideological debate has not advanced much in the last 20 years, but we believe new ideas. The problem of "the public is not that you go the worst students, but lack of motivation, incentive and control of teachers. The goal of government should be, provide a public service, effective and equitable, based in both networks, "says Fernández Enguita. "It's not that there are many public school and that students have no choice but to turn to her, but is a quality school, able to compete with subsidized centers of prestige," says the text of the Collective Lorenzo Luzuriaga .

Sensation Of Lump In Throat

About 1,500 young offenders benefit from Occupational Rehabilitation Plan of the Ministry

A total of 1,415 children and young people subject to legal action has already entered the Labor Reintegration Plan Andalusia launched under the principles of rehabilitation and recovery, which helps young people who have been through the Juvenile Court to return Andalusian in society once they have fulfilled the agreement by the judges.
Of the youth participating in this program, 808 already have a contract, 336 and 264 have pre-work scholarships participate in formal training. The Plan sets out numerous actions to address the difficulties they may encounter young juvenile reform schools when they enter the labor market. Regarding the legal situation of young people, 811 have opened a judicial half and 472 are subject to detention measures, while another 132 have just turned your needs and stay within the Rehabilitation Plan, which is helping them find work. In terms of age, 840 are higher 18 (initiated legal action imposed by the court as a minor and still meet once they come of age) and 575 are between 16 and 17. Of the 1,415 integrated into the rehabilitation program, 118 are foreign nationals.
Andalusian Government action regarding minors serving as some sort of court in Andalusia is based on the principles of rehabilitation and reintegration policies aimed at promoting the creation and consolidation of a network of specialized resources and for a hand, meet the demands of the various Juvenile Courts and, second, to project future lines to ensure stability in the recovery and social normalization of these young people and children.
Thus, in addition to 782 places of detention, the Board has various resources for the implementation of the measures of open environment, which does not include deprivation of liberty of the child. Such methods, attended by 455 professionals, consisting of 11 teams in the open environment centers, 9 days, 9 living centers coexistence educational group, a therapeutic community for drug dependence, 8 programs to combat discrimination, 8 outpatient treatment programs of drug, 5 outpatient treatment programs for mental health, mediation 5 teams, 3 workshops socio and 2 career guidance programs.
Occupational Rehabilitation Plan of Andalusia, funded by the Board and the European Social Fund, aims to add to these young people in the labor market and in the process of socialization through personalized itineraries and mentored job search and training that enables them find a stable job that his personal situation normalizes. With this objective, the Ministry of Justice and Public Administration has signed cooperation agreements in the past four years with more than 300 organizations and companies that offer different possibilities Andalusian work these young people.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Build Your Own Pontoon Trailer

Immigrants lost at 18

Outsiders ex supervised by the Government faced a seamless integration means Manolo speaks reluctantly after having slept on cardboard soaked from recent rains. "When I accepted the Government was not much better," he recalls while airing their clothes, rags collected in "several months" leading to drift. Manolo, born 19 years ago in Morocco, omitted his name so that nobody can find you. Since I was alone, he says, when he entered a juvenile of the Generalitat in 2006. "They gave me the papers and let me go. Nothing else." Then back to the streets with the same support that long ago, the same expectations. "Expectations of what? "answers annoyed with so many questions and inquiries about his name." Put my name Manolo ", calls out in the middle removed.
Each year, about 550 of the 1,700 children housed in residential facilities of the Generalitat majority met with a suitcase. It is known in all places, increasingly full of foreigners: they were more than 700 in December 2007, 500 of them of North African origin. The figure masks the harshness of the media used to reach Spain. "They do everything possible to come and get the papers. Once here, there are very mature, others are stray bullets given to drugs. Most do not know what to do and can fall anywhere, " explains an educator.
The division is unequivocal: those who show better behavior, supported by supervised apartments and jobs, to adapt to a society without cotton. Impossible to protect them at all. Some are very contentious, not enough resources. The assisted flats, for example, can accommodate 250 kids from 16 year olds to more than twenty. The other faces such as a complex picture with no family support or administrative. Without work and without work permit, a document that can only apply if they have a job. How to achieve it without having the permit, which takes months to be processed?
The mess gets tangled with the limited monitoring Generalitat. "Most will lose the trail," says Xavier Solely, director of the Directorate General of Care for Children and Adolescents (DGAIA), responsible for the guardianship of children. "If you do not want to continue our programs, who are forced?". Nobody. Last November, the Government organized a meeting of experts under the title Children and youth of immigrant origin. They concluded that the problem has no answer and alarmed about the "data gap" of young persons who have disappeared from official records. The DGAIA admits that the issue goes beyond them. "At 18 years and have offered every opportunity," says Solely. Neither can do much
most partnerships that ensure the former wards, which deal only with the graceful face of the coin. "We get very beaten and only has the best of each center," says Garet Mercè, a psychologist who co-manages an association with DGAIA assisted flats. Foreigners come with 16 or 17 years to get the papers. Rarely have known in the country. "When they are 18 they are all complicated to 500%. It is too easy to get lost," he notes. "And at his age just know what to expect." Abderrahim knew
Yes, young man born 20 years ago in Fez. "If you're good, the Government will help," he says. "If you are wrong ...". He was good. He joined the Government center 17 years; months later she had a job and an apartment monitored by Garet itself. Abderrahim arrived in Barcelona conscious after years of rough work in Morocco. She now earns 760 euros a month as a waiter. I used to pay the 300 to rent their shared apartment and send the rest to pay his parents and seven siblings. And the fellow
care? They were a long quarantine, recalls Abderrahim. No news of those with whom she lived. "I do not like people who steal and do drugs. Such were," he recalls. Neither the Government could detail anything about them. They left no trace, no one tries to find him. Members of the partnership that works Garet ensure that any can be seen the neighborhood. Sleeping, curled up between the cars and the papers. Posted in FERRAN BALSELLS - Barcelona - 25/08/2008

Review Magnet Cb Antenna

When we talk about children in care and also North African, it seems that the complexity of the causes will disappear: it is to exercise more control over the set of children respond to these characteristics can cheer votes populist positions, as seen in some European countries, but it sure cyst and aggravate problems
With dismay I see that again the dynamics of other summers. To various crimes committed, apparently by foreign children in care, we forget the basic principle that each person responsible for his acts, going to hold in practice to this group and started a career of statements that show an accumulation of nonsense which is sung result: increasing the existing rejection population.
is clear that both attacks, which have a sexual component, are of utmost gravity for the victims who have experienced it can not be minimized. And that will receive the necessary support to overcome it. And that their attackers are to receive the treatment provided for these cases, both punitive and educational.
Unfortunately, actions like those mentioned are not as exceptional in context of the festival, night, alcohol, youth ... This past month we have seen even more dramatic situations in the celebrations of Bayonne, in sanfermines ... showing that there are many interventions needed to progress in the eradication of such attacks.
But when it comes to children in care and also North African, it seems that the complexity of the cases we have the solutions disappear and clear: it seeks to exercise greater control over all children responding to these characteristics and to expel those who are responsible for committing crimes.
Some media are responsible for encouraging the alarm. Neglecting all the recommendations made from the professional, institutional, community ... is still stressing the origin of the people involved, that is, without doubt, which ends up creating social alarm then we say, we must fight.
The reflection of what happened last week with the arrests in the Old San Sebastian illustrates what we say. All media reproduced almost verbatim, the press release of the Ertzaintza which reported the incident and the arrests, and that in a year of good practice information, obviating the geographical origin or skin color of those arrested . But there was a newspaper that sought and obtained the data, and was almost the only additive that put the police statement. Why? Because the newspaper knows that it sells.
It seems clear that without this data, reading this news produces more or less concern but not alarm. And the same goes for what happened in Villabona.
A liability for the media treatment is compounded by the irresponsible statements of non-partisan few who try to "connect" with the feeling of public opinion, rather than context, as it is required, refer to the values \u200b\u200bdeficit other 'cultures', or the need to amend the law and proceed with the expulsion of the children involved.
Interpretation 'cultural' is particularly striking in a few weeks in which, Unfortunately, the news of women murdered by their partners hit us with a frequency that calls into question the image of cultural superiority.
The demand for removal, does not consider the legislation, also follows this path of exception you want to apply to these children. For children with antisocial behavior is necessary to apply, as stipulated by our legal system, corrective and punitive measures and educational measures in order to modify their behavior to get ahead of its incorporation into society.
Well, apparently, those principles, those values \u200b\u200band those laws do not serve minors if they come from outside. These statements are published on the same day that we called, proudly, that the GDP of the Basque Country is well above the EU average. And yet we go to confession unable to tackle this task?
Please do not wave to well-known feelings of rejection and we bring everyone to society what they can be useful. Positions can cheer populist vote, as we see in some European countries, but it sure cyst and exacerbates problems that this society, like all, has to face from clear principles and values. Peio
M. SOS Aierbe Arrazakeria

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doing the wave "There are parents who sleep with bolt for fear of their children" divorced

INTERVIEW: GEMA GARCIA Coordinator juvenile division of the Office of Valencia
Gema Garcia is five months the coordinator of the juvenile division of the Office of Valencia. It was the natural replacement of Teresa Gisbert, current chief prosecutor of Valencia and former provincial coordinator of Children. Advocates a progressive implementation of the reform measures and protection of children, commitment to transparency, we propose the strategy of prevention as a tool against some of the most dramatic situations to which they must respond. Absenteeism school craves a strong symptom of problems that can become serious. Is committed to making its section in a reference area for parents who suffer violence from their children.
Question. What has priority in front of Children?
Response. Trials in absentia and the fight against truancy, which have become a priority. A process that once took six months to a year now lasts prosecutors a week. P.
Is it so common truancy? What does it reveal?
R. There are two issues. One is the lack of schooling, the child has never been registered. That's an obvious issue relinquish parental obligations. And the other is that the child is enrolled but not attending the start center. In this case, what is to assess whether continuous or intermittent. For me, who should receive the wake-up call the parents. The theoretical assumption that the cause of absenteeism is less, and for parents to show good will and seek help from us, we do not receive. Since March, have opened in this office about 80 steps in the investigation and this has been translated, but I can not specify in a significant number of complaints in the magistrates court. Education is fundamental. There is an undeniable fact: 90% of the guys that we have problems with absenteeism trial and failure school. If we attack, if we promote the child's income in a regulated country, probably mitigate juvenile delinquency. P.
Indicates a very serious incidence of violence from children to parents, what is? What we talk about violence?
R. It is even more serious gender violence. One loves his family, but wants much more to their children. If it costs a woman withdraws her partner, it costs much more than parents, report to the children. We have cases of parents who sleep with bolt because they are afraid of what their children can do. P.
How do parents?
R. While they think they can control the situation, do not come. First go to professionals because they think there is a psychological problem, then family and friends. And from that start aggression, endure. Withstand shoves, kicks, punches, they can be real beatings and the use of weapons. P.
Is there a pattern?
R. No. The only certainty is that we have not had any of Gypsy families. I think it is cultural, to develop respect for elders. But in others, nothing to see or the neighborhood, or condition, or economic status. We had people with high cultural level, with good economic potential, simple people. P.
What are the reasons?
R. This change of mentality in young people, easy to get everything they want, which leads to low frustration tolerance. There is a lack of empathy for the parents, do not take into account the suffering they can cause. We have found cases of children who are punished for their parents, they have set hours, they are beaten if food is on time. People have to know that there are behaviors that should not be tolerated. I want parents to know that the Office is to help them, they give those situations. P.
What triggers a situation so limit?
R. Misunderstood love. One thinks it will be better father and dearest if you give them everything they request. Refuse does not mean that they want. There needs to be guidelines, limits. Children appreciate it because they need to know which lane they have to go and what fate has to reach what is expected of them, what are the expectations of parents who are going to have requirements, which award they will receive. At the time when margins are blurred authority in the home, the child takes all the power. There have been parents who have put a floor under the child, child, or who have gone and have left the house. P.
How do you explain that to themselves?
R. A process similar to divorce, emotionally I disassociate myself from my son and give him the maximum heritage I have, my home. P.
How many cases has had the prosecution?
R. Last year 512. Of these, 98 are minors who are between 12 and 14. Hardly a day goes not a case of domestic violence. P.
Are there any parents who have come to ask someone to take care of them?
R. Yes, in these cases is valued why. If the source is that the child has been committing criminal acts, you can open a criminal prosecution, imposing a measure. And if it is a state of rebellious adolescence, the child enters a protection center, which is a short time because the parents have the resources with family or friends, and because when they are three or four days admitted, parents will find it, they can not avoid, is his son, and they want it. These are situations that are given each time, every week we have one or two cases. It is therefore important prevention work, so the fight against truancy, a child who goes to school, which is used to send you the teacher, who shares, which have obligations, is hardly a child abuser. Truancy reveals many things. P.
Is that why advocates lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 12 years?
R. Not only. These are the most serious cases. It is a very controversial topic, there are people who understand that it is not progressive. I disagree, I am of the Progressive Union of Prosecutors, and I think I do not recess because there is, for example, cases of sexual assault of children under 14 years because there is a high volume of crimes against property under that age. The juvenile criminal procedure is very elastic, evolves with the child. It is a possibility of working with children who commit minor or serious events, which can reach 14 years here and ten arrests, which do not take advantage. Lowering the age criminal minors is also preventive.
Published LYDIA GARRIDO - Valencia - 17/08/2008

Is My Nose Too Big For My Face

Children 12 years

Yemen's culture and their parents pushed to the marriage. She was raped and abused. But she rebelled against her fate and denounced him. This is the story of a brave girl. And divorced at age 12.
was night. The women sang a wedding song Yemeni tradition. It was not a happy tune, but rather a lament about leaving the family home. The sound of music mingling with the zaghareed, the typical Arab cry that Yemeni women express their joy.
Nejoud to Ahdal had mixed feelings. Just married, expecting her husband to travel from Sana'a, where he had held the ceremony to the village where they lived. She wore a long brown dress and black sandals. A thick layer of makeup covering his face. Also wore the black abaya, the robe that Yemeni women are made to cover his body. The figure of hiding Nejoud child had not yet been developed. How old? You can not tell exactly, no birth certificate. She and her family say was probably born 12 years ago. The girl's oval face and dark skin suddenly had to leave their children to go with her husband. I had just met.
In the house of his father, Nejoud recalls how he started the whole story suddenly made him grow, how his father and his mother was told that he would marry Fayiz Ali Nasser, 28. They told him that he did not get married until they were fully prepared. She seemed fine. I did not know what marriage meant and what entailed. Remember the constant fear that had she and her entire family years earlier when relatives kidnapped her sisters. He thought he could marry to avoid going through the same situation. But a week later, his family spoke of her future husband and told him that the wedding was imminent. His first reaction was to refuse. Then she reconsidered. She told herself that she could enjoy the celebration and gifts. It is customary in Yemen a wedding that will last for several days with a big party where the bride is dressed in elaborate traditional costumes.
was not the case. The wedding ceremony was very brief Nejoud: attended by only their closest family and held in a tiny room decorated with a few dirty furniture.
When it came time to say goodbye came with her husband and other passengers on a rental car that would take them Haja, where they lived and where he allegedly spend the honeymoon. ? All the time I looked so wanton? Says indignantly now.
Like most houses in the village, her husband had no running water or electricity. Only the dim light a flashlight. The girl was not hungry and not eat anything cooked her husband's family. She dreaded being so far from their parents. For seven hours remained silent. There was nothing to say. Everything was new to her. Little did
what would happen later, when he was alone with her husband. He took a small dirty room in which a few gnawed carpets took the place of the mattresses. Nasser closed the door. Nejoud panicked. "I thought marriage was a fun ceremony, but never imagined it that way." Today, his tone reflects the shock felt by what happened next. Nasser forced her to have sex, something she is completely unaware. Neither her mother nor anyone else had prepared for that experience. ? Was hateful, hit me and begged him not to, but he arrogantly replied: "You're my wife." That night I cried and begged him to a family member to help me. Nobody did, "he recalls.
For nearly two months, Nejoud was raped every day." I was afraid of nightfall, felt fear? "He recalls. ? I thought that if I had to live with it end up committing suicide. "Like many other girls, do not have the strength to cope with the brutality of her husband. When refused sex, he was abusive while she begged him not to. "He once showed me a rebel and I told him not to touch me. He gave me a slap in the face and started beating me all over my body."
This girl is just one of many from Yemen who are forced to marry at early age. A study by the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW), nearly half of Yemeni girls under 18 are married. The country ranks thirteenth on a list of 20 countries with the largest number of child marriages, denounced the CIIM. The average age is 16 years.
The main obstacle to ending this kind of marriage is the law. Before 1994, legislation required that the girls had 15 years to marry. But this year the law changed to abolish the minimum age. A 1999 amendment sought to establish that a child, regardless of age, could not marry before their first menstruation. The amendment failed by not setting a minimum age for marriage. At present we have presented a new bill to establish the age of 18 as minimum marriage. Parliament has not approved. Perhaps
Nejoud was not aware that in some conservative areas of the country is considered humiliating to help a bride, because the husband is entitled to have sex the first night. Even if someone intruded, may suffer social ostracism. In some people, even women have to display a bloodstained sheet as proof of honor. Nejoud not know who belonged to a culture in which a woman must obey her husband. That night, or rather, properly stained white sheet? Nejoud showed that she was a virgin and that her husband had managed to dominate. After committing the violation Nasser shot fireworks to celebrate the virginity of the young bride.
She felt intimidated not only by her husband offensive. Also by her mother. Sometimes she encouraged her son to beat and rape her. Sometimes, when he resisted running throughout the house from one room to another, her husband was behind her while her mother watched them cursing and yelling that he had to obey. Unlike all Nejoud's husband was a man who wanted to authoritarian control your life and your sisters. Abused his sister, whom she described as a nice person. Such practices
so ingrained in the Arab country carry many problems: injuries, thinness, psychological trauma and maternal mortality. It also increases the vulnerability of a child against domestic abuse. The same study, they are forced to leave school, with the dramatic consequences that implies for the development of a country.
Back to the story of Nejoud. Some time later, the couple moved to the home of her parents. Nejoud asked permission of her husband sleeping with his mother. He would not permit it and hit a beating in response. His parents, meanwhile, listened impassively. "My father told me it was wrong to not want to be with my husband." Nejoud
's family is very poor. In the three small rooms in your house, covered with grimy carpet, rather than old, lived for more than fifteen people. Nejoud sleeps in a windowless room with his eight siblings in the light enters through two holes. They have no running water. Have to go look in bags to a place near the mosque. The problem is that one of his brothers is invalid and the others are still very small.
deep eyes This girl laments the fate of his family and his bad experience. ? I complained to my father's family, my maternal aunts, my uncles, my father and my mother. He spoke with everyone, but none would listen. Everyone told me it was my husband even if it was rude?. He tried to take refuge in the house of his uncle, but he called his parents to go in and look. ? I could not help her. She was married?, Shiwa justified? I to Tabi? I. Nobody
. I could not find anyone who would listen to his deep regret and the girl turned to her little sister nine years, Haifa, she was worried he had heard that the brother of Nejoud wanted to marry her. They consoled each other. ? Haifa, this man is hateful. I want a divorce?, He said. And Haifa feared to follow suit.
As a Muslim, Nejoud prayed to God night and day to secure his release. At the end spoke with his cousin and second wife of his father, we suggest you go to court to seek divorce. Although not trust them, Nejoud took her advice.
She turned to the head. I could not get rid of that idea. During a week he was planning how to go to court, but needed to raise 200 reais Yemeni (approximately un euro). "Pensé que el mejor momento sería cuando mi madre y mi padre vinieran a visitarme. Ese día tomé el autobús que va a la zona de Tahir. Era el único trayecto que conocía. Recuerdo que estaba muy nerviosa. Llegué al juzgado a las once de la mañana. Había mucha gente entrando y saliendo. Pero me sentía con fuerzas, así que entré y pregunté dónde podía encontrar al presidente del tribunal. Una mujer me vio y debió de pensar que necesitaba ayuda. Me acerqué a ella y le pregunté si estaba sola". Esa señora, Fathia al Aghbari, lo recuerda así: "Me quedé impresionada cuando me dijo que había venido a pedir el divorcio?.
La niña no olvida ese día. "The presiding judge asked one of the judges to accompany me when I said I was afraid to go back to my husband." When the judge took it home to give protection, Nejoud was impressed. ? Was completely white. It was the first time I saw such a house. "The three days we stayed there seemed the most beautiful in your life." I had many gifts, "he recalls.
Judge Mohammed al-Qadhi ordered the arrest of father and husband, although this type of behavior is not legal in Yemen. Both were jailed on Saturday April 12. Nevertheless, Nejoud felt sorry for her father, who was not in good health. "It's a poor man and I have already forgiven, "he says with unusual maturity for their age.
The ruling by the court terminated the marriage by a provision or Islamic divorce rate, which is generally used in Yemen for cases in which the family has to pay a certain amount of money as compensation. Unlike other cases, the husband has a period of four months to request back to the woman. During a private meeting after the trial, the husband expressed will come back and wait for the girl for four years. For this reason, the judge ruled that provision. As Nejoud husband did not pay the money, one of the people who attended the trial was voluntarily offered to pay the sum of 158 euros imposed by the judge.
After the process reached satisfaction. "I was extremely happy when I was granted a divorce. We looked at each other and appreciated the hatred in his eyes. I was offended because they feel the focus of the media," says Nejoud laughing and imitating the angry gesture of his former husband. "Experience does not affect me. All I want is that my family let me study."
That's his dream. The expression on his face changes when he talks of divorce. His eyes convey suffering. Nejoud no longer wants to speak to the press, because he remembers everything he suffered. Although think you need their help. ? If I have to endure the harassment of the media to solve my problem, I'll do?, Is categorical.
Despite his ordeal, which are published photos showing a girl always smiling. He would not go to a psychologist. "I'm not sick," she argues. Now that I have lived from the inside, he wondered why so many women who stand beside their husbands. "I will never marry again," swears.
In Yemen, a single woman is a social outcast. There are many factors that contribute to girls to marry soon: poverty, illiteracy and a culture that gives priority to the marriage of education and development as productive members society. Nejoud's father acknowledged that he acted wrong to marry his daughter, but admits that it felt compelled by the constant threat of kidnapping, as had happened with his first two daughters. During the trial the father had a somewhat strange behavior that led to believe that he was mentally ill. Dr. Husnia the Qadhi not think he or husband were guilty. "They are victims of a culture that permits such marriages, and also supports them." The father is aware of the bad choice he had made in his life: "I quit my job in the health services because he suffered a psychological disorder?. It is almost forty years and two women." Seven years ago was rich, so I married another woman. "You have so many children who do not remember how many. Ahmed al Ahdal Nejoud stated that forced her to marry did not take over your spending.
But that was before several members of his family stay with their properties and force him to leave town.'s mother Nejoud, Shui'iah to Tabi'i, damaged hands so much work in the field, encouraged his daughter to marry because he thought it was the best option .
Qadhi Deputy curses Shawqi the twisted nature of men. "There are a number of men with an unusual desire for girls," he admits. But above all these factors, you may be the fear of society independence of women. They can not accept the idea that a girl is self-sufficient because then you will want to make their own decisions and not be dominated. "It is noteworthy that the majority of Yemeni women in positions of responsibility are single or divorced." Thus, men marrying girls to mold them.
The company attaches special importance to women's sexuality. In the culture of Yemen is a great fear that they have sexual relations before marriage and to let down and losing your reputation and your family. Many parents say it's better to marry their daughters very young before they do damage your honor. Even the girls give great importance to marriage.
the same week that the trial of Nejoud, Health Commission submitted to Parliament Maternal Security Act, which included a proposal (which was not finally approved) to establish 18 as the minimum age for marriage. For Najeeb Ghanem, a member of the Committee on Health, "the issue of child marriage is a very complex issue, even if there were a law, not be solved."
These things happen because child marriage are part of Yemeni cultural gear. The committee to which it belongs Ghanem presented a report. Parliament asked to lower the age of marriage for fear that society will not accept the 18 as the minimum age. Ghanem says he knows many sad stories as a result of early marriages. An example: the birth of premature infants at high risk for mental retardation. It is one of the greatest consequences. "The worst thing is to damage the life of a human being," Ghanem tertiary.
He and other members try not to confront the Sharia committee, responsible for ensuring the body of Islamic law. It is rumored that the sharia takes refuge in the belief that Muhammad married Aisha, a girl who was only six years. Shawqi according to Qadhi, MP, scholar and member of the Committee on Freedom and Human Rights, the prophet's marriage was never confirmed: "There is a historical dispute on this detail. We have the right to disagree."
marriage advocates often justify Minor: girls agree. But in reality, what happens is that they do not know their rights and are often required. Little Nejoud
, today is another. After getting a divorce for a time lived with his uncle Al Tabi'i. Shortly after he returned with his father and began studying. ? Was ashamed before my comrades, and especially to my friends. All the time I really wondered if I had married?. The gossip was trying not affect him.
Your happiness and determination did not last long. The homeowner will evicted and threatened to throw all your furniture. Nejoud and his family spent a night on the street to a neighbor were accommodated temporarily in an empty house in Dares, a suburb of Sanaa. Nejoud could not return to school on Sept. 26. "I began to mourn. I love the classes, and I believe that education is good to learn and build a future." Now he spends six hours a day studying. His brother Mohammed al Ahdal teaches and helps you pass the exams. She hopes to spend his case to the school that is near his new home.
Having focused the attention of the press, Nejoud is alone. But it is strong. It is the firm decision to pursue a career and exercise a profession: "I'd be a journalist to help people." Virginia Translation
Solans. Published

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Labour inspection has been detected in recent years in Spain more than two hundred companies with fewer violations at work. A UNICEF report counted 172,000 small "help" their families in the area, livestock or domestic servants.
Child labor is not a problem in Spain, but fortunately no statistics from other countries that shake their own. But that does not mean that there is, even if no official figures are not in a situation of labor exploitation. A UNICEF report in 2002 estimated that 172,000 schoolchildren had been engaged to work with their families in agricultural, livestock or domestic work fundamentally. The only occupation of children recognized and licensed in the country is on the artists.
work under 16 years are prohibited in Spain, an age that coincides with the end of compulsory secondary education. The only exception is for child actors or participants in public shows that the law recognizes as "exceptional" in a Royal Decree 1985 and in each case requires a prior administrative authorization. Hiring
children for filming, advertising, circus etc. requires your participation in these activities without endangering their physical health or for their professional and personal. The minor's legal representatives should seek approval from the corresponding Autonomous Community, together with a child's consent if you have enough for this trial.
The proliferation of television shows involving children in recent years (from "Aida" to "Los Serrano" or "Internship") has made the film and television producers take things seriously enough and meet the requirements imposed by strict they are.
"Now there is a heightened awareness regarding the participation of children in this area and for years the producers are very cautious," said the lawyer Amaya Mallea, Pons Patent and Trademark Office, specializing in advice on intellectual property. The public prosecutor and the regional authorities can act employment if E is suspected are violating the conditions (for example, and fail if the shooting schedule or of participating in any hazardous activity and the physical or intellectual). The sanctions are exemplary and even starting é € 3,000, can reach 90,000.
"I help"
But all is not artwork. The other, which does not allow the law but there is, but not worrying figures, is being investigated about everything you can, although it is not easy. Between 2005 and 2006, UGT has developed a program funded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs dubbed "No time to grow", to report situations of child exploitation in Spain, mainly in the field and seasonal worker families. "On this issue there is no data.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) tells the rest of the world, but not in Spain. Here there are and where they are, it is difficult to prove, because children say 'I do not work, I help my parents,' "says Gema Ramon, Social Services Secretary UGT. That investigation revealed the existence of situations in which it was possible to generate child labor and work performed in situ awareness. Detected minors working in farming, domestic, commercial, hotel or construction and domestic work.
Today things have improved a lot, insists De Ramon, and there are no current figures. In any case it looks to child labor "is not a serious problem in Spain," says Gabriel González-Bueno, head of Children's Rights Committee for UNICEF English. So the data seem to confirm the performance of the Inspectorate of Labour and Social Security on minors, with minimum violations detected through inspections carried out in recent years: 61 in 2002, 53 in 2003, 52 2004 and 42 in 2005.
The courts also issued rulings that sanction the recruitment of minors. For example, in 2003, the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Castilla y León passed to a company in which an employee under eighteen years "in the performance of the tasks had to use a moped that the company had given him, having suffered that lower on 2 November 1999 a car accident when he performed his work with a motorcycle type Vespino 1201. Published

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workers reject the shelters for battered women with addictions

Hundreds of victims do not receive adequate treatment to escape the violence
probably never thought to leave their perpetrator would be so complicated. Rachel (not her real name) complained to his partner who, despite everything, still chasing her. When he tried to get help in a shelter he found the doors closed. Rachel was not a victim of domestic violence as others, She also suffered from drug addiction. "We had to accept it in our story," says a social worker at a center for drug addiction in Vigo. "But they are not adapted for them, at the outputs was afraid he continued." Housing for battered women exclude people with addictions in most regions, lacking the means to avoid potential problems of coexistence.
The lack of specialized resources, referrals to drug treatment centers, where more may share therapy with men who just have trouble controlling violence. In this environment, they find solutions to their problems emotional dependence, abuse or self-esteem. With the added risk of falling into new relationships ending storm.
How to reconcile this collective attention to the interests of others in need of help? The problem is complex and despite its invisibility, has no lower size. A study by the Association of Organizations of Agencies Day Centres (ASECEDI) concluded that 53% of women attending rehabilitation therapy were battered by their partners. This translates into hundreds of women a year. The profile is that of a young girl to study at medium-low and a somewhat precarious economic situation in many cases, with episodes of abuse in childhood. The accumulation of all these problems can lead to a dependent personality, both substances as potential partners, which often are consumers. According to research presented at the Project Man last National Congress of Psychiatry, 73% of female drug addicts has continued close relationships but they have been violent.
Caught in a double problem, are also great difficulties to access a shelter in the midst of the legal complexity of the various sites. "They have to wean or subjected to treatment with an explicit commitment to abandonment," they say in Asturias. "If consumption can not be serious immediately enter ", in Catalonia." They can not enter or with addictions or psychological disorders, "they say in Valencia. Andalucía distanced himself from the general rule regulating the end of 2007, the preferential entry for this group.
" The resources are well established a barrier to these women, "says Claudia Paolini, a psychologist at a host computer for battered women in Zaragoza. are the responsibility of the autonomous regions or municipalities themselves, and the entry requirements are specified in each center.
Most do not has specialized in personal health and addictions, so they do not admit to avoiding conflicts in peaceful coexistence. "Sometimes we can not help. We serve in part, through counseling, "says Paolini," but usually they exclude themselves from the therapy because they absorb the other problem. "
That" other problem "leads them to drug treatment centers. There, in mixed groups," the percentage of female participation is minimal, "according to the findings of a working group of the National Plan on Drugs, which examined the situation in 2006. The women, who bring their own problem of domestic abuse, sometimes come to join men who were romantically been violent toward their partners, as the psychologist Paolini recalls some of his experiences.
Policies for substance abuse have traditionally been defined taking men as universal pattern, as recognized by the Ministry of Health and by the end of 2006, and rarely pay attention to the particularities of the female (abuse, maternity, food). So was the need to increase social resources for women drug users, that allow a "comprehensive approach" of the problem.
In practice, this has been left to the will of those who work with them. The lack of specialization means that in certain centers, nevertheless continue in response to battered women with additional problems of alcoholism, drug addiction or mental disabilities. "He came often drunk ..." So begins the story in many of these centers, although discussed with suspicion and caution, it is a taboo subject. Despite repeated commitments to quit drinking, bureaucratic procedures for processing an expulsion may extend these situations too, and are left to social workers who attend them as they can, without help from doctors to monitor treatment.
"We are not prepared to work with these people," says an employee who is faced with these problems daily. "Sometimes even drink in the center." The situation becomes complicated then, starting with not perform the tasks and neglecting the health and coming to seek direct confrontation with other inmates. Expel poses a significant risk because they may be helpless against her attacker. "All we can do is refer them to specialized resources or health centers, but also depends on your will," concludes with impotence worker who prefers to remain anonymous.
"We must take into account this reality," says Juan Carlos Oria, director of the Center for drug Zuria Day of Navarre, who participated in the study of ASECEDI. "You can close your eyes just because they know that these people are not going to protest." The solution is, according to the professional, to adapt existing resources to address this situation particularly complex.
The Ministry of Health, which subsidized this research through the National Drug Plan, addressed the situation in the light of the results (the high rate of violence experienced by women participating in smoking cessation therapies). After a series of conclusions such as "increase social resources specifically for women with drug dependency" in practice has been limited to placing the female population as a priority for aid to the drug, says the Assistant Director-General José Oñorbe. Even here there is a tendency to create specific units of addiction treatment for victims of gender violence. PUBLISHED IN ANAIS Berdié - Madrid - 13/08/2008

Thursday, August 7, 2008

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Calatayud Judge encourages parents to report whether their children will abuse

Granada Judge appeals to the responsibility of Youtube to avoid that 'climb' videos that infringe on the dignity and integrity of minors
Juvenile Judge Granada, Emilio Calatayud, today encouraged parents to complain to the Justice of physical or psychological abuse by their children, and "the sooner the better," said the judge, who holds Juvenile Court number one in the city of Alhambra.
"Give some time to see if the boy matures, social and family therapy, but it is preferable to denounce at 15 at 17 years, "Calatayud exposed at a conference in El Escorial (Madrid), as part of the summer courses offered by the University Complutense of Madrid.
The judge denounced the increase in cases of this type (in 2005 there were 165 complaints of parents against children in Granada), and expressed the need for parents to impose their authority and establish limits to English LESSER, stressed, "We've gone from being slaves to our slave parents to our children. "
About the recent attacks occurred between children and subsequently have been recorded with mobile phone, Calatayud has appealed to the responsibility of parents, by providing them apparatus, and YouTube, for lack of effective filters to prevent the spread of such videos. The judge commented that the Office of Grenada has requested the said portal to compensate the victims of such attacks, which can be seen by thousands of Internet users.
face of crimes perpetrated by youth, Calatayud prefer to seek alternatives to juvenile facilities, including work for the benefit of the community, which currently applies to "800 or 900 cases" in Granada, and especially go for education.
The judge has proposed the incorporation of "psychologists, educators and social workers" to schools to help certain children, because, Calatayud, "the future is in training, education and job placement."
has also harshly criticized other issues related to children, and the helplessness of teachers who are abused by their students, easy access to alcohol and other drugs, or being able to consider sexual relations to 13 years as "consensual."
addition, the judge has offered advice to parents: "learn to say no", "control to friends" or not allow minors to have computer with internet in your room. Published

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A PSOE MP proposes expelling foreigners who commit sexual abuse

Socialist MP and Councillor for Citizen Security of the City of San Sebastian, Ernesto Gasco, discussed today that it should consider reforming the legal framework for foreigners who commit sexual abuse may be expelled from Spain automatically.
Gasco has spoken today in a press conference the two cases of assault and sexual abuse in recent days in Villabona (Guipúzcoa) and San Sebastian.
The first of these episodes took place the morning of July 27, when a group of four young North Africans, protected in a flat in Toulouse, boarded on a plot of Villabona to a young couple having sex and while one of them allegedly abused the girl, the other three allegedly assaulted his partner.
The second case occurred a week later, also at dawn, when three other immigrant children allegedly robbed and sexually assaulted a woman in the area Portaletas of the Old Town of San Sebastian. 'What they can not allow laws is that people who commit crimes of this nature, even children, have a number of privileges for not having the 18 years and we are forced to stay at home', has highlighted.
has also called for a 'greater control' these children by those responsible for the shelters in Guipúzcoa, which, while recognizing the difficulty of his task, has opined that these immigrants 'unable to roam at night time, when society is being supportive Guipuzcoa 'and is paying the salaries of teachers, the buildings housing, education and support . " Those people
must demand " behavior and timetables," added Gasco, who has also denounced some of the children were habitual offenders.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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A Unpleasant Surprise!

Today is July 31 story in the press granting the Centre for Children and Adolescents of Asturias Award Advocacy and Social Mobilization (2008) awarded by the UNICEF-Spain . He was rewarded for its progress as an institution vigilante (?) Monitoring and promoting Convention on the Rights of the Child .
words is awarded to IAASIFA its sensitivity on the Rights of Collective SocialyJusticia LESSER organizations, SOS Racismu can not disagree more, we this decision is not just a regrettable error. Currently almost a third of juveniles in a protection center in Asturias from other countries and are unaccompanied adult in our community (Mines). long have denounced that fully respects their rights (listed in the Convention, as well as in other standards) and has been endorsed by Specialized Organizations, judges, ombudsmen , even Coordinator Office for Children de Asturias (although he speaks of the need for more resources) and childhood associations.
When some young people have spent years traveling disoriented by a strange and hostile country, avoiding expulsion, repression and poverty, too many times living on the streets, sometimes seeing the authorities denied the guardianship, Sometimes criminals, always under surveillance, being sent to prison for Immigrants (RCFs), segregated from other children, including being undocumented, etc ...... Without that, unfortunately, this Observatory chaired by Ms Eva Sánchez (Director of IAASIFA) has never ruled on the matter. When this happens, this award is an incentive for improvisation inefficiency, fear, lack of self-criticism, dependency, segregation and mistreatment of children.
Today is a bad day for Justice and Solidarity, today too many children are still without protection, delaying the processing of their papers, live in inadequate units without effective programs against drug addition, ignoring almost all the recommendations and suggestions independent institutions.
This does not happen in Africa or Latin America, if not here in Asturias, but unfortunately we are not an exception . PUBLISHED IN

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A court suspended the repatriation of Moroccan minors by not

The General Directorate for Attention to Children and Young did not establish Catalan why that began expulsion proceedings Nor is there a report on who can take over 17-years in their country
The Administrative Court number 8, Barcelona has agreed to the interim suspension of the decision of the central government representatives on May 13 ordering the repatriation of Moroccan less than 17 years, considering that no record of having listened to the affected -as provided by law on child protection measures and the adoption of homeless- nor is there a report on who could take charge of him in their country of origin. The victim is
B. Yassin, born March 5, 1991, of Moroccan nationality and is temporarily protected by the Directorate General of Care for Children and Adolescents of the Generalitat (DGAIA) entered the center El Bosc.
The facts date back to May 13 when the central government representatives agreed to return the child to their country of origin and then he urgently requested a stay of execution by application for reconsideration.
No reasons
The court, through an interlocutory injunctions, after desetimar the considering application for reconsideration is not proven that the child was in a situation of imminent deportation and that "the circumstances were not given enough urgency," has agreed to refuse repatriation.
management believes that the defendant "has not shown which may have been the reasons why the case has started DGAIA repatriation", or what were the reasons why could not locate the child to lead the process of hearing if you are under the control of a reception center of the Generalitat.
Also they are not accredited, "which have been corresponding efforts to locate relatives of the child and the verification that no There is no risk to their integrity. "
Source Europa Press, Barcelona 31/07/2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

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have listened to the affected provinces there in 23 centers for youth sexual health

WHO calls on Spain to double its aid points
The room hospital emergency is no more suitable place for a couple of teenagers fix a broken condom. This is considered specialists in Family Planning Federation of Spain (FPFE) requiring the Government to establish a network of support centers youth as the first problem to be solved in sexual education.
Young people of 23 English provinces, including all of Castile and Leon, do not have a dedicated support center for youth. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends open one of these facilities per 10,000 youth. In Spain would have to double the resources to reach that level.
"The region does not call them family planning centers, but Gynecological Support Units," a spokesman for the Government of Murcia. This autonomous region is one of four that, according to FEPE lack of adequate facilities for the care of youth with Castilla y León, Extremadura and La Rioja.
adolescents in these communities can not go to the gynecological unit without a prerequisite for a conventional family doctor. That is one of the basic error prevention for youth sexual in Spain, according to experts. Many teens feel shame when you have doubts mixed with patients of all kinds. Those concerns cause many unwanted pregnancies among children in a large proportion result in an abortion.
The FPFE estimated that there are only 169 centers in Spain to cover the necessary functions. "They are centers, services or information on public, or subsidized by public agencies that provide specific attention to young people, with a schedule and space for them and who have medical presence permanently "defined.
PP grants
83% of these centers are concentrated in four communities: Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid and Andalusia. That does not necessarily imply that guarantee appropriate sex education and prevention. The federation attributed to the decentralization of the powers of the Health a lack of control by the state of sexual prevention policies.
The focus of the criticism appears the Community of Madrid, led by Esperanza Aguirre (PP). According to the experts high, people find it more difficult to access the morning-after pill. They claim that the Emergency Services public hospitals were instructed to not dispense it.
displayed is where the ultra-conservative organizations who call themselves pro-life. 70% of grants for youth centers in Madrid has gone to these associations. PUBLISHED IN

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"Everything is going well"

immigrants lie to their families for fear of disappoint
"I dream to leave here. It's too hard to live without food, jobs or shelter. No no prospects. I have brothers who have gone to Barcelona and for them all is well. They work and a car. They have run out of problems. I want to go there and have my chance, "admitted Abdullah, a young Senegalese man, 29, a few months ago, sitting on a beach in Dakar, the capital of the country. I looked at the sea and dreaming of a far horizon and better. Today Abdullah lives in the Catalan capital. Not to say how it arrived, it may be too painful. The hope has faded in his eyes and those dreams and left him little. "arrived and was a shock. My family all live in tiny apartments and sobreocupados. They have no jobs and little to gain by selling all sorts of objects, he is sent home. I can hardly eat, "he laments.
As Abdullah, thousands of immigrants arrive each year to Catalonia in search of a better life, a job enabling them to support their families or to get family reunion.
Catalonia is a European leader in percentage of foreign citizens, with 15% of immigrants, of whom between 25% and 30% are irregular, according to a report by the Center for the Study of Contemporary Issues. Many of these immigrants do not know what the host country and arrive with a very different idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to expect. What we found is far from their expectations. Acquaintances do not tell their true situation and that creates a distorted view of reality. Here lies the main problem. Most of them lie for fear of failure and the pressure family must endure. They fear the possibility of returning to their country of origin without having achieved sufficient income to support their families, many of whom live in extreme poverty, and the fact that he invested the savings of a lifetime trip for nothing.
Said, Moroccan, 22, explains his case: "What I tell my family?," I live with 30 people in 70 square meters? I can not do this. At times I would tell him. There are days when no to save more money and send it. I feel lonely and want to return, but it is impossible, this is my destiny and I have to accept. " Family stress and shame of failure, then push one to lie and embellish your situation, and others dream of a fictitious country and idyllic. Therefore, "there are several ongoing campaigns to show the reality of Spain. They spend newscasts, for example, where boats are coming," said Elizabeth Martinez, SOS Racism. He adds that "a situation more typical of sub-Saharan Africa."
Things are even more difficult for immigrants who are in irregular status, the so-called undocumented. For all the difficulties is added uncertainty of illegality, which makes them more prone to immigrant syndrome with chronic stress and multiple, known as Ulysses syndrome. The European countries such as Italy, are tightening the legislation and the EU itself does the same.
Many of them regret having left his country, like Diouf, a young man of 30 years sleeping on the banks of the Raval. "I arrived in Senegal for nine months. This is my home [the bank], I have nothing more. I would come back, but I can not. My family has me and not know what's going on here. I say that all is well, I can not tell the truth and come back with nothing. It would be a failure, "said Diouf.
The lie is the norm. Guadalupe, 36, originally from Mexico, arrived in Spain four years ago in hopes of finding a job and able to meet in this country with his six year old son, who raised her grandmother. Her husband abandoned them. "There was very difficult. For women without education there is nothing like me. And I wanted my son to be brought up well, I decided to take the plunge and came alone to make it come later. When I arrived, things were not easy. I met a local girl who was in the same situation as me. The prostitute and made a lot of money. I chose the easy way, started as she entered and saw too much too soon. It took three years. Now my son goes to a good school, eat every day and live well in Mexico. This is most important to me. For now, the child will not come, Nobody in my family knows what I'm doing. My mother thinks I'm so happy administrative. Within a few years back to live with them. "
Barcelona, \u200b\u200blately, has become, with Madrid's main gathering place of immigration. The drama has a considerable size and the number of families affected by this phenomenon is increasing. It is a vicious circle. For thousands of illegal immigrants, arriving in Spain means the end of life and the beginning of survival. And all repeat: "Everything is going well."

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Spanish gypsies fear racism

Roma associations, italinanas angry with the policies and the indifference of EU
is a "hot time." In that match most of the Roma associations. Hot, because after 30 years of progressive normalization of this community in English society, "Berlusconi measures are again demonizing the Roma", in the words of Antonio Vázquez Saavedra, vice president of the State Council of the Roma. Italian
The Executive has put Roma in the spotlight by giving powers to government delegates to the census, expel or relocation, and ordered police to take them all Roma fingerprints. Associations
all Europe have condemned the "return to Nazism," in an oft-repeated expression between the groups. "The Administration is taking action against a particular group and this is discrimination," said Isidro Rodriguez, president of FSG. Platforms Roma associations, such as European Roma Policy Coalition, sent letters to the Italian Government and manifestos to the EU calling for a change of attitude and an explicit condemnation. There have been events like the June 8 in Rome and some more are planned, including the association Romani Union convened in Madrid in August.
From Spain, the Gypsies see the situation concern. "Here we have 30 years of integration policies," said Rodriguez, "but be careful with any outbreaks of racism because there is always a risk that the wick pledge and make fires." The danger is exacerbated in times of economic crisis. Elena Ferrer, from the same association, stressed that the atmosphere of rejection coupled with the recession causes "companies do not hire them all with the same enjoyment. Now select more, they are driven more by prejudice, and that lost is the gypsy. "
widespread outrage in the neighborhood
Cabañal Valencian just ask the gypsies who take the air on the street to check outrage at what they have seen or read in the media. All shake their heads and repeat the same tagline: "It's like at the time of the Nazis." Amelia makes the best summary: "We have always been very discriminated against and you know, the big fish eats the small."
However, it is difficult to find those who probably are more upset with Berlusconi: 80% of Roma, described as "invisible" by Ferrando because they respond to the stereotype of slums, and scrap market. There are thousands of people working in supermarkets, hospitals, or in construction. How many? It is impossible to know because "it would be illegal to classify the members of a profession based on their ethnicity. "
They are the picture of success and integration of the Roma minority, but also of an enduring stigma on this ethnic group and the negative effect that still has the word" Gypsy. "Something is wrong when Joseph , student, yet is forced to explain that "there is no shame in recognizing that is a Gypsy." Or when Paco, a worker at a car dealership and taking cover behind a fictitious name, declined the invitation for your image to become part of this report.
addition to dragging the prejudice, the group is also at the tail on the welfare state. In education, according to the Gypsy Secretariat, 7 out of 10 no has completed basic education. In the labor market, 71% have temporary contracts, compared to 31% on average in Spain. To payos and Roma have a long way to go integration measures such as those of the Berlusconi government does not contribute to iron.

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Berlusconi arrives in Spain Canary Victims

Dozens of children were raped by priests in Catholic schools in Australia Emma Louise Foster died alone at home, on the outskirts of Melbourne (Australia), on 4 January. She was found clutching a teddy bear that her parents had given her on her first birthday. Emma committed suicide at age 26 from an overdose. She and her sister child, Katherine, now 22, were repeatedly raped when they went to Sacred Heart College in Oakleigh, south of Melbourne, between 1988 and 1993, by Father Kevin O'Donnell, sentenced in 1995 to 19 months numerous prison for sexual abuse and died in 1997.
Emma never overcame the trauma, at age 17 was addicted to drugs and suffered from bulimia. Kate was alcohol in adolescence and, in 1999, was hit by a drunk driver. Suffer serious physical and mental. The tragic story of two sisters whose lives were shattered by the abuses of a priest throughout Australia have shocked the Pope's recent visit to Sydney is best known for the many thousands of reported cases of sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in the country.
complaint's relentless campaign waged by the parents of Emma, \u200b\u200bwho for years battled the courts to reject any financial compensation from the Church responds to its goal of ensuring that other parents are more aware of the danger of pedophilia. "This is the legacy he has left Emma, \u200b\u200bhelp prevent cases like yours," say Anthony and Christine Foster, who left Sydney on Monday disappointed not to have been received by the Pope. Had requested a hearing to obtain not only an apology from the Pope on behalf of the whole Church, but also a commitment that Benedict XVI would take steps to prevent future sexual abuse by clergy.
According to data from Broken Rites, Australian Association that assists victims of sexual abuse in the Church, more than half (55%) of complainants in cases of childhood sexual abuse are men. Women, who represent 45%, also suffered, mostly during childhood abuse, although a significant number of adults suffered at times of vulnerability, such as loneliness, separation, or an unhappy marriage. Most complaints are made many years after the abuse occurred.
Geoff Fitzpatrick Tasmania, acknowledges having been a rebellious child. Son of large families, parents, alcoholics, could not be with him and, in 1969, when he was 12, he entered the St. Augustine Catholic orphanage, west of Melbourne. It claims to have been violated, at least 14 times, by Father William Stuart Houston and was the subject of numerous physical abuse during the two years he spent in the orphanage. Married for 18 years and with children, Fitzpatrick reported her case to police in 1996. Houston was indicted for sodomy and indecent assault, the prosecution decided not to charge, and now lives retired in a Christian Brothers residence in Melbourne.
"I spent half my life to a psychiatrist and psychologist do not get out of my mind," said Fitzpatrick, who suffers from anxiety and nightmares. The medical reports agree that the sexual abuse he was subjected in childhood have seriously affected their ability to cope with life, especially the family. "I want you to admit fault! I want to boot all the evil they did to me! I want anybody to go through what I did!" Cries.
Stephen Woods, 46, is a professor at an institute in Melbourne. As a child went to school Saint Alipius in Ballarat, where he was sexually abused by two priests when he was between 11 and 14. "When I called the doors of the cathedral for help just got another priest raped me. I suffered severe depression for years and I still get a feeling of helplessness and powerlessness that keeps my life to be normal, "said Woods. He, like many other victims, he expected the Pope's visit to Australia will help to heal his wounds:" No has been repaired. The victims have not found comfort. No apology as did Prime Minister Kevin Rudd when he apologized to the Aborigines for the evil done in the past. "
" I have lost faith and I can not keep for a long time or a job or a relationship, "says Eric fleißiges, 41, of Queensland. Youth shelter went to the parish of San Jose in Tweed Heads, when he was 13 and was homeless. The pastor, Paul Rex Brown declared in 1996 guilty of child pornography crimes, "he offered to live in the rectory, where he molested him for two years. "The Pope was the only one who could help me. It was devastating. Only he can help close this wound," he says.
Rose, the name under which he hides his identity, is 68 years old. For four said he had been sexually abused at 10 years by the religious order of La Salle, Brendan George Carroll, in Cootamundra (Canberra). Brendan, who died in 1983, masturbated in front of her and other children who, like Rose, practicing digital penetration. "Why it took me almost 60 years to tell, Because no one would have believed me, and less accusing Brendan respected as a priest," he says. Decided to break the silence when he realized that his confession could help others. "The Catholic Church stole my innocence when I was 10 years and this has ruined my life. I have always hated sex and that destroyed my marriage. I understand that my silence has been unjust and unfair to other victims," \u200b\u200bhe says. According
Broken Rites, 107 priests have been convicted in Australia for sexual abuse. Published

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forever is not home for children arrived in boats

autonomy All say they are overwhelmed and leave the problem to NGOs still lack
month and a half to start the school year, but several schools in the Canary Islands are full of children. It is not summer school: classrooms are those in immigrant children who came to the archipelago on board boats. In total, there are 1,192, including temporary residence centers, shelters and temporary facilities NGOs. According to the regional government, the British only have capacity for 350.
Minister of Labour and Immigration, Celestino Corbacho, has appealed to the regions to be "solidarity" with the Canaries and welcome foreign minors. The measure is "urgent" because, as explained to this newspaper the Minister of Social Welfare of the Canary Islands, Inés Rojas, "August and September are the months of greatest prosperity in the sea, so expect a flood." However, while "most of the regions have shown good attitude", according to Rojas, "all say they are overwhelmed and have no room."
is the case of. Sources of the Department of Equality and Migratory Movements remember that "we much saturated with centers time and we are constantly getting smaller by sea. " The head of Canary Immigration also states that after the round of calls she has undertaken, "Catalonia has said it has no seats. Today I spoke with Aragon, Extremadura and Galicia and also willing to help, but no seats. "
For his part, Minister of Family Castilla y León, César Antón, claims to have been "more cohesive community" because, since December 2007, "we have received to 83 immigrant children from the Canaries, before the Minister send any letters. " Although, once again, your choice is good, claiming that "distributed resources ". In the same situation are other communities such as Madrid, which hosted 91 children, according to the minister canaria, and Valencia, which has been duplicated in July shipments of immigrants to its territory.
With all the same thing happens
Rojas, who laments that "Canary is not blamed as the southern gateway to Europe, not complaining about the solidarity of their counterparts. In fact, recognizes that "Castilla y León, Murcia and Valencia helped us at a critical time in late 2007, when the Government gave us back." Durable solutions also recalls how in 2006, faced with a situation similar to the present, the Executive center distributed 500 of the 800 immigrant children at that time were in the islands by the mainland and Balearic Islands. But he points out that "there is a passing problem, but structural, and demand for durable solutions.
For now, the autonomy left to the NGOs. "Through them we transfer to the Peninsula, but remain under government supervision Islands. Other communities are limited to support to remain in its territory, "says Rojas. The Minister believes that a solution would be to "create supervised apartments with 12 or 14 minors." "With that there is one in each province, he notes, the problem would be almost solved."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

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The social services sector in Catalonia and has its first collective agreement

The agreement comes after two years of intense negotiations and is valid until 2009
Unions and employers have signed the first sector collective social action, which will cover the 40,000 professionals working in the field of childcare, families and other groups at risk of social exclusion in Catalonia. This agreement, which comes two years after intense negotiations and shall take effect until late 2009, will "dignify" the social services and improving significantly the social and working conditions of workers, as has been agreed today were representatives of CCOO, UGT and the Business Association of Social Initiative for Catalonia (AEISC).
The agreement provides, among other things, a minimum wage of about $ 1,000 for all professionals, working hours from 38.5 hours a week, six extra days available for personal and payment of several specific supplements issues such as the availability or nocturnal. The architects of this deal have pointed out that as important as having a good agreement is its implementation and to do so, they stressed, must be involved in government, as holders of the services and their contractors.
That the government "to devote the necessary budget"
"Now the administration need to give consideration to what is a mandatory provision," said Salvador Lara, CCOO, which has called on the Government and other public institutions engaged in this sector the necessary budget and not award the provision of services to companies that fail to meet minimum financial requirements of the agreement. "It is unacceptable that the Government is announcing firms that next year will increase costs by 2%, when we are with inflation at 5%, "stated Lara, who recalled that" without money there can be no quality public services ".
sector professionals of the social action center their activities in the care of children, adolescence and old age groups at risk of social exclusion. An estimated 40,000 people working in this sector, which is "growing", coinciding with the deployment of dependency law, as remarked Richard Calvo, of AEISC .
professional Types
The document provides for two types of workers, who work on weekdays and they do in continuous cycle, ie working for services that operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The working day for the first should be of 38.5 hours per week and 38 in the case of continuous cycle. Sets are 4 types
professionals from the address 1983 per month based on the typology and 2482 in cycle continues until the group D management and service base -932 and 1,030 euros in continuous cycle. The agreement also introduced the right to 30 hours of training in the company.
POSTED ON 15/07/1908