Children 12 years
Yemen's culture and their parents pushed to the marriage. She was raped and abused. But she rebelled against her fate and denounced him. This is the story of a brave girl. And divorced at age 12. was night. The women sang a wedding song Yemeni tradition. It was not a happy tune, but rather a lament about leaving the family home. The sound of music mingling with the zaghareed, the typical Arab cry that Yemeni women express their joy.
Nejoud to Ahdal had mixed feelings. Just married, expecting her husband to travel from Sana'a, where he had held the ceremony to the village where they lived. She wore a long brown dress and black sandals. A thick layer of makeup covering his face. Also wore the black abaya, the robe that Yemeni women are made to cover his body. The figure of hiding Nejoud child had not yet been developed. How old? You can not tell exactly, no birth certificate. She and her family say was probably born 12 years ago. The girl's oval face and dark skin suddenly had to leave their children to go with her husband. I had just met.
In the house of his father, Nejoud recalls how he started the whole story suddenly made him grow, how his father and his mother was told that he would marry Fayiz Ali Nasser, 28. They told him that he did not get married until they were fully prepared. She seemed fine. I did not know what marriage meant and what entailed. Remember the constant fear that had she and her entire family years earlier when relatives kidnapped her sisters. He thought he could marry to avoid going through the same situation. But a week later, his family spoke of her future husband and told him that the wedding was imminent. His first reaction was to refuse. Then she reconsidered. She told herself that she could enjoy the celebration and gifts. It is customary in Yemen a wedding that will last for several days with a big party where the bride is dressed in elaborate traditional costumes.
was not the case. The wedding ceremony was very brief Nejoud: attended by only their closest family and held in a tiny room decorated with a few dirty furniture.
When it came time to say goodbye came with her husband and other passengers on a rental car that would take them Haja, where they lived and where he allegedly spend the honeymoon. ? All the time I looked so wanton? Says indignantly now.
Like most houses in the village, her husband had no running water or electricity. Only the dim light a flashlight. The girl was not hungry and not eat anything cooked her husband's family. She dreaded being so far from their parents. For seven hours remained silent. There was nothing to say. Everything was new to her. Little did
what would happen later, when he was alone with her husband. He took a small dirty room in which a few gnawed carpets took the place of the mattresses. Nasser closed the door. Nejoud panicked. "I thought marriage was a fun ceremony, but never imagined it that way." Today, his tone reflects the shock felt by what happened next. Nasser forced her to have sex, something she is completely unaware. Neither her mother nor anyone else had prepared for that experience. ? Was hateful, hit me and begged him not to, but he arrogantly replied: "You're my wife." That night I cried and begged him to a family member to help me. Nobody did, "he recalls.
For nearly two months, Nejoud was raped every day." I was afraid of nightfall, felt fear? "He recalls. ? I thought that if I had to live with it end up committing suicide. "Like many other girls, do not have the strength to cope with the brutality of her husband. When refused sex, he was abusive while she begged him not to. "He once showed me a rebel and I told him not to touch me. He gave me a slap in the face and started beating me all over my body."
This girl is just one of many from Yemen who are forced to marry at early age. A study by the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW), nearly half of Yemeni girls under 18 are married. The country ranks thirteenth on a list of 20 countries with the largest number of child marriages, denounced the CIIM. The average age is 16 years.
The main obstacle to ending this kind of marriage is the law. Before 1994, legislation required that the girls had 15 years to marry. But this year the law changed to abolish the minimum age. A 1999 amendment sought to establish that a child, regardless of age, could not marry before their first menstruation. The amendment failed by not setting a minimum age for marriage. At present we have presented a new bill to establish the age of 18 as minimum marriage. Parliament has not approved. Perhaps
Nejoud was not aware that in some conservative areas of the country is considered humiliating to help a bride, because the husband is entitled to have sex the first night. Even if someone intruded, may suffer social ostracism. In some people, even women have to display a bloodstained sheet as proof of honor. Nejoud not know who belonged to a culture in which a woman must obey her husband. That night, or rather, properly stained white sheet? Nejoud showed that she was a virgin and that her husband had managed to dominate. After committing the violation Nasser shot fireworks to celebrate the virginity of the young bride.
She felt intimidated not only by her husband offensive. Also by her mother. Sometimes she encouraged her son to beat and rape her. Sometimes, when he resisted running throughout the house from one room to another, her husband was behind her while her mother watched them cursing and yelling that he had to obey. Unlike all Nejoud's husband was a man who wanted to authoritarian control your life and your sisters. Abused his sister, whom she described as a nice person. Such practices
so ingrained in the Arab country carry many problems: injuries, thinness, psychological trauma and maternal mortality. It also increases the vulnerability of a child against domestic abuse. The same study, they are forced to leave school, with the dramatic consequences that implies for the development of a country.
Back to the story of Nejoud. Some time later, the couple moved to the home of her parents. Nejoud asked permission of her husband sleeping with his mother. He would not permit it and hit a beating in response. His parents, meanwhile, listened impassively. "My father told me it was wrong to not want to be with my husband." Nejoud
's family is very poor. In the three small rooms in your house, covered with grimy carpet, rather than old, lived for more than fifteen people. Nejoud sleeps in a windowless room with his eight siblings in the light enters through two holes. They have no running water. Have to go look in bags to a place near the mosque. The problem is that one of his brothers is invalid and the others are still very small.
deep eyes This girl laments the fate of his family and his bad experience. ? I complained to my father's family, my maternal aunts, my uncles, my father and my mother. He spoke with everyone, but none would listen. Everyone told me it was my husband even if it was rude?. He tried to take refuge in the house of his uncle, but he called his parents to go in and look. ? I could not help her. She was married?, Shiwa justified? I to Tabi? I. Nobody
. I could not find anyone who would listen to his deep regret and the girl turned to her little sister nine years, Haifa, she was worried he had heard that the brother of Nejoud wanted to marry her. They consoled each other. ? Haifa, this man is hateful. I want a divorce?, He said. And Haifa feared to follow suit.
As a Muslim, Nejoud prayed to God night and day to secure his release. At the end spoke with his cousin and second wife of his father, we suggest you go to court to seek divorce. Although not trust them, Nejoud took her advice.
She turned to the head. I could not get rid of that idea. During a week he was planning how to go to court, but needed to raise 200 reais Yemeni (approximately un euro). "Pensé que el mejor momento sería cuando mi madre y mi padre vinieran a visitarme. Ese día tomé el autobús que va a la zona de Tahir. Era el único trayecto que conocía. Recuerdo que estaba muy nerviosa. Llegué al juzgado a las once de la mañana. Había mucha gente entrando y saliendo. Pero me sentía con fuerzas, así que entré y pregunté dónde podía encontrar al presidente del tribunal. Una mujer me vio y debió de pensar que necesitaba ayuda. Me acerqué a ella y le pregunté si estaba sola". Esa señora, Fathia al Aghbari, lo recuerda así: "Me quedé impresionada cuando me dijo que había venido a pedir el divorcio?.
La niña no olvida ese día. "The presiding judge asked one of the judges to accompany me when I said I was afraid to go back to my husband." When the judge took it home to give protection, Nejoud was impressed. ? Was completely white. It was the first time I saw such a house. "The three days we stayed there seemed the most beautiful in your life." I had many gifts, "he recalls.
Judge Mohammed al-Qadhi ordered the arrest of father and husband, although this type of behavior is not legal in Yemen. Both were jailed on Saturday April 12. Nevertheless, Nejoud felt sorry for her father, who was not in good health. "It's a poor man and I have already forgiven, "he says with unusual maturity for their age.
The ruling by the court terminated the marriage by a provision or Islamic divorce rate, which is generally used in Yemen for cases in which the family has to pay a certain amount of money as compensation. Unlike other cases, the husband has a period of four months to request back to the woman. During a private meeting after the trial, the husband expressed will come back and wait for the girl for four years. For this reason, the judge ruled that provision. As Nejoud husband did not pay the money, one of the people who attended the trial was voluntarily offered to pay the sum of 158 euros imposed by the judge.
After the process reached satisfaction. "I was extremely happy when I was granted a divorce. We looked at each other and appreciated the hatred in his eyes. I was offended because they feel the focus of the media," says Nejoud laughing and imitating the angry gesture of his former husband. "Experience does not affect me. All I want is that my family let me study."
That's his dream. The expression on his face changes when he talks of divorce. His eyes convey suffering. Nejoud no longer wants to speak to the press, because he remembers everything he suffered. Although think you need their help. ? If I have to endure the harassment of the media to solve my problem, I'll do?, Is categorical.
Despite his ordeal, which are published photos showing a girl always smiling. He would not go to a psychologist. "I'm not sick," she argues. Now that I have lived from the inside, he wondered why so many women who stand beside their husbands. "I will never marry again," swears.
In Yemen, a single woman is a social outcast. There are many factors that contribute to girls to marry soon: poverty, illiteracy and a culture that gives priority to the marriage of education and development as productive members society. Nejoud's father acknowledged that he acted wrong to marry his daughter, but admits that it felt compelled by the constant threat of kidnapping, as had happened with his first two daughters. During the trial the father had a somewhat strange behavior that led to believe that he was mentally ill. Dr. Husnia the Qadhi not think he or husband were guilty. "They are victims of a culture that permits such marriages, and also supports them." The father is aware of the bad choice he had made in his life: "I quit my job in the health services because he suffered a psychological disorder?. It is almost forty years and two women." Seven years ago was rich, so I married another woman. "You have so many children who do not remember how many. Ahmed al Ahdal Nejoud stated that forced her to marry did not take over your spending.
But that was before several members of his family stay with their properties and force him to leave town.'s mother Nejoud, Shui'iah to Tabi'i, damaged hands so much work in the field, encouraged his daughter to marry because he thought it was the best option .
Qadhi Deputy curses Shawqi the twisted nature of men. "There are a number of men with an unusual desire for girls," he admits. But above all these factors, you may be the fear of society independence of women. They can not accept the idea that a girl is self-sufficient because then you will want to make their own decisions and not be dominated. "It is noteworthy that the majority of Yemeni women in positions of responsibility are single or divorced." Thus, men marrying girls to mold them.
The company attaches special importance to women's sexuality. In the culture of Yemen is a great fear that they have sexual relations before marriage and to let down and losing your reputation and your family. Many parents say it's better to marry their daughters very young before they do damage your honor. Even the girls give great importance to marriage.
the same week that the trial of Nejoud, Health Commission submitted to Parliament Maternal Security Act, which included a proposal (which was not finally approved) to establish 18 as the minimum age for marriage. For Najeeb Ghanem, a member of the Committee on Health, "the issue of child marriage is a very complex issue, even if there were a law, not be solved."
These things happen because child marriage are part of Yemeni cultural gear. The committee to which it belongs Ghanem presented a report. Parliament asked to lower the age of marriage for fear that society will not accept the 18 as the minimum age. Ghanem says he knows many sad stories as a result of early marriages. An example: the birth of premature infants at high risk for mental retardation. It is one of the greatest consequences. "The worst thing is to damage the life of a human being," Ghanem tertiary.
He and other members try not to confront the Sharia committee, responsible for ensuring the body of Islamic law. It is rumored that the sharia takes refuge in the belief that Muhammad married Aisha, a girl who was only six years. Shawqi according to Qadhi, MP, scholar and member of the Committee on Freedom and Human Rights, the prophet's marriage was never confirmed: "There is a historical dispute on this detail. We have the right to disagree."
marriage advocates often justify Minor: girls agree. But in reality, what happens is that they do not know their rights and are often required. Little Nejoud
, today is another. After getting a divorce for a time lived with his uncle Al Tabi'i. Shortly after he returned with his father and began studying. ? Was ashamed before my comrades, and especially to my friends. All the time I really wondered if I had married?. The gossip was trying not affect him.
Your happiness and determination did not last long. The homeowner will evicted and threatened to throw all your furniture. Nejoud and his family spent a night on the street to a neighbor were accommodated temporarily in an empty house in Dares, a suburb of Sanaa. Nejoud could not return to school on Sept. 26. "I began to mourn. I love the classes, and I believe that education is good to learn and build a future." Now he spends six hours a day studying. His brother Mohammed al Ahdal teaches and helps you pass the exams. She hopes to spend his case to the school that is near his new home.
Having focused the attention of the press, Nejoud is alone. But it is strong. It is the firm decision to pursue a career and exercise a profession: "I'd be a journalist to help people." Virginia Translation
Solans. Published