Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Dogs Tongue Is Too Big For His Mouth

A sad farewell. After the blanket charge


today is a very sad and difficult decisions in life, my faithful friend unconditionally from the December 3, 2010, after seeing an accident and become invalid, bad, bear the almost five months of treatment and constant suffering. I did everything possible to recover and walk again see her, never at this time to accept his disability, he saw the passenger, so I thought I wanted creer.Hasta always or send him to an orthopedic pet car, maybe it was so serious accident injuries column followed by better picture or worsened the situation to the point that it could not move and everything hurt, began tapering ...... Today fuimos a control con el médico ...y me toco tomar la decisión más difícil que hubiera querido tomar con ella...pero mi amor es más grande e incondicional, y tampoco podía vivir viéndola sufrir día día.
Hoy descansa de todo ese sufrimiento, ahora me toca a mí descansar de mi angustia,dolor de la perdida de mi compañera y aceptar que no había recuperación alguna y todo empeoraría, era mi amiga fiel, que siempre estuvo a mi lado, iba a todas las paradas conmigo, la extraño..pero nunca olvidaré los buenos momentos que vivimos juntas.
Con cariño a mi querida Samy...


Mª Carolina Díaz del Río Naranjo .
La Serena

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Breakthrough For Alopecia


analysis of requirements and objectives

The analysis begins with a panel discussion where they discuss which can be the requirements and objectives.
A table of requirements to achieve set targets.
drawing up a table where each participant votes (from 1 to 5) the value that each to each concept when configuring the job.

structural interior Platform
The platform will 8m ².
contain a number of mobile units, office furniture, which may organize workers.
units can be arranged to organize a space for individual work, lectures or projection work.
Bubble wrapper module closes with a cover composed of membranes filled with pressurized air to get optimal insulation to ensure a comfortable temperature inside, provides protection from external environment, noise, sun ...
Oval in shape can rise up to 2.5 m, when opened, matching the height of the flag. Be made of polyester coated with a layer of semi-transparent PVC. Its hollow base a gap of 20m ³

A module cheaper to build, provocatively low-tech, and removable for can be monetized.

individual mutation

collective mutation. Organization in space

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Send Certified Letter To Hawaii

The Kitchen Monument

The Kitchen Monument is while a sculpture Mobile well as a prototype that generates public space temporary. Your installation in urban places of underrated potential (called not - spaces) gives identity the public sphere , allowing people to co - actively create. Despite that have been recreated diferentes programas en diferentes emplazamientos , su uso como cocina (el lugar ideal para conectar lo privado y lo público) tiene un gran potencial para reflejar identidades urbanas así como peculiaridades culturales y tradiciones; estos conceptos definen el concepto . El proyecto consta de dos partes : la caja y la burbuja , conectados by a ramp steel. addition of the input, the box contains a pneumatic structure and the technology to inflate the bubble , which consists of PE translucent laminate reinforced ; or n fan supplied air continuously . Adapting to anywhere that will , transparency bubble allows dialogue between outside and inside ; blurs all with the next , but however, remains visible.